Listen to Get Better Now
Polarity Part#1 - The Art of Attraction:
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What is the secret of attraction? How can you be more attractive instantly? Why are so many men just wimps? And why do the bad guys seem so good? Why do women seem so cold sometimes, or is the bitchy ice-queen the national mascot? What do women really want? What are men actually thinking? In the next two part Get Better Now show you’ll find out the simple answers to these hard and ageless questions. Plus the real juicy answers like – How does lots of crazy, steamy, ravaging sex and stable monogamy mix, and even compliment each other? When to talk and when to just frickn’ take her. The secret way of communicating so you’ll never have to ask him to do anything ever again; he’ll just want to do it – and love you for it too. So…If you’re going to listen to a Get Better Now show THIS is the one, it is like the decoder ring for the sexes and relationships.
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Thank You,
Sifu Marcus Lovemore
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