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Saturday, August 1, 2009

GBN episode # 15 Ask Sifu Marcus Forgiveness & Purpose Fixing People

GBN episode # 15
Ask Sifu Marcus
Forgiveness &Purpose
Fixing People

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This is your chance to ask me anything. It’s of GBN’s Ask Sifu Marcus episodes. I answer your questions as only I can - any question.

This show’s question is from the last Ask Sifu Marcus, and i did not get to it because I ran out of time. It's by Tennyson Stead:
  • How does one follow through, and yet allow every decision to be independent of those that came before? How does this connect to purpose or forgiveness?
The other question is from a student in my ongoing Transformational Fighting Arts class:
  • When someone asks for your advice and then decides to dismissive because it is to close to the bone, how does one not reactive close down?
Want your question aired? You can always leave a comment on any one of my blogs. Please let me know if I can us your name.

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Thank You,
Sifu Marcus Lovemore

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